Cedar Landing II & Creek Estates Road Maintenance Organization, Inc
A nonprofit organization
PO Box 2773 www.clcermo.com
Surf City, NC 28445 cl2cermo@gmail.com
MAY 21, 2018
Dear Property Owner :
The roads within Cedar Landing 11 and Creek Estates are designated by Pender County & Department of Transportation as PRIVATE. All of the roads are owned by Cedar Landing II and Creek estates Road Maintenance Organization, Inc. (RMO). Pender County, Deed Bk 4647 PG 667-668, recorded 07/13/2017.
To accomplish the maintenance of these roads each property owner is requested to pay $150.00 annually for road maintenance.
The thru traffic, especially in the summer months are extremely excessive. In order to reduce the thru traffic and assist in the maintenance of these roads, the Organization is designating Cedar Ave. from HWY 210 and Cedar Landing II, from Driftwood; a TOLL ROAD.
Traffic (other that property owners) that want to use this “short cut”, will be assessed a fee of $5.00 fee per automobile.
The RMO will issue window stickers to all property owners of Creek Estates and Cedar Landing II at no cost to property owners. These stickers must be attached to the driver’s side of each windshield to facilitate movement of traffic. For now, the Toll Road will only be attended on weekends thru the summer months. It will be patrolled by volunteers and paid off duty Officers.
If anyone would like to volunteer, please visit our website: www.cl-cermo.com and leave a note on the “Contact the RMO” section.
Carl Mounts
President, Cl-CE RMO