Board Meeting 6/9/2017

The CE-CL11 RMO Board met 6-9-17 at the home of Carl and Barbara Mounts. Board members present were Carl Mounts, Steve Hanchey, Kenny Thrower and Pat Thrower. Others present were Jeff Conerly, website administrator, Barbara Mounts, accountant, Donald Smith, road committee chairman and Cheryl Smith.

Barbara handed out the Profit and Loss and Balance report sheets. The balance on hand is $11,222.71.

Carl says we need to go ahead and buy more gravel. Jeff suggested because of a complaint about the gravel, we should to poll the property owners on Creek Drive to see if the majority wants gravel on that road. We could get a count at the 6-10-17 mid-year meeting if enough are present. We can reconvene to decide how many loads to buy. Donald said we need to work on cleaning out the ditches before any gravel is put down. There was discussion regarding the equipment needed and who would be able to operate it.

Carl and Donald said we need to start patching the paved road. They will aim for a date of 6-24-2017. All were in agreement. Jeff said he will send out a message to Road Committee members to see how many can help.

Jeff said that since Donald and Cheryl would be moving when their house sells, we need to find someone willing to take over as chairman of the road committee. Donald said he would check with Mike Donnelly to see if he would be interested.

Jeff gave an update on meetings he has had with DOT engineers. They said certain statutes would need to be met and the only way forward would be to change legislation to get funding and prioritization. He spoke with DOT traffic management seeking to get them to place an additional traffic counter to count cars coming through our neighborhood.

The next general meeting will be held 6-10-2017 at the Surf City Fire Department.

Respectfully Submitted,

Pat Thrower