MEMBERS PRESENT: Jeff Conerly, Bobby and Anita Phillips, Allen Padggett, Allen Faircloth, Kirk Binning, Linda Thomas, Carl and Barbara Mounts, Donald and Cheryl Smith
- Jeff opened the meeting and introduced Bobby Phillips who has consented to head this exploratory committee. Anita Phillips will serve as secretary.
- Jeff shared with committee that he has built a webpage for information dissemination. The address is: cedarlanding – or to make it shorter it is also: He asked that minutes from the meetings be posted on the webpage. He will include a way to make comments by e-mail. He also shared a google map with the committee.
- The objective of this committee was defined as deciding the best approach to organize the homeowners for ongoing responsibility of our road maintenance and to obtain homeowner approval for the proposal.
- A discussion was held regarding legality of requiring homeowners to be members of a newly formed homeowners association in an established neighborhood. Carl Mount and Bobby Phillips will research this issue and will also try to find legal resources to help us with forming a formal organization. Carl is going to provide us with a copy of the Deer Run neighborhood HOA bylaws, and will try to verify whether it was an established HOA when the subdivision was built.
- Jeff shared with us that he has met with D.C. Lanier’s daughters and gained their commitment to take up the road maintenance again on a short-term basis until the homeowners’ organization is able to take on the responsibility. They have agreed to send out monthly bills and will work with us to attain this goal.
- The committee decided to send out a letter to all homeowners explaining what is going on with the committee and why, before beginning the process of the Laniers sending out bills. Jeff is working on this letter and will include a statement that while not condemning those that have not paid their road maintenance bill, ensure that it is clearly stated that the revenue shortfall that caused the present situation is due to nonpayment by some homeowners. We hope to send out the letter next week.
- Linda Thomas provided a hardcopy of what is probably the most current list and addresses of all homeowners. She will try to get an electronic list so we can generate mailing labels.
- Once the committee has done the exploratory work, it will be presented to the homeowners and a meeting will be held to elect officers to administer the organization. Meeting times also will be decided.
- Several situations were discussed that require some special consideration when bylaws are written: paved vs. non-paved roads; one owner with more than one lot.
- The next committee meeting will be Saturday, September 12, 2015 at 10:00am at Linda and Ronnie Thomas’ garage.
Following is the list of committee members: