>>>> Click HERE for the 2024 RMO Annual Report <<<<
NEW:>>See the October 2024 Community Grill photos
Welcome to :
Cedar Landing II & Creek Estates Road Maintenance Organization, Inc
- An incorporated non-profit organization whose sole mission is the maintenance of designated roads within the subdivisions of Cedar Landing II & Creek Estates
- All property owners of property within the subdivisions on the designated roads are eligible for membership in CLII-CE RMO
Within the scope of the budget the
objectives are limited to the following:
- Continue basic maintenance on all designated paved and unpaved roads
- Basic Maintenance on primary unpaved road and focus more on secondary roads.
- Start taking longer term repair steps such as pulling ditches, building bed of lower traffic roads, etc.
- Maximize location and use of lower cost road materials like gravel, crushed concrete, and hauling expenses.
- Continue trying interact with DOT with goal of their longer term support, such as establishing a list of prime contacts, initial contacts, and measuring traffic across Cedar Ave and Landing during the summer months.
- Involve property owners with feedback and suggestions. This will encourage all property owners to be part of the RMO activities and provide input for plans and decisions.
Road Work Criteria
for the 3.5 miles of roads included in the RMO responsibility
Work Priority
The CL-CE RMO Board meets monthly and discusses the work that needs to be done, prioritizes it and set work plans according to availability of equipment and money on hand.. Guest are welcome with advance notice.
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