Board Meeting-5/21/2016

A meeting of the CLll-CE Road Maintenance Organization Board of Directors was called by Carl Mounts, President and was held on 5-21-2016 at the home of Carl and Barbara Mounts.

Present were board members Carl Mounts, Linda Thomas, Bobby Phillips and Pat Thrower. Also present were Jeff and Sue Conerly, Barbara Mounts and Kenny Thrower.

Items of discussion were as follows:

  • The purpose of the meeting was to discuss comments that were posted to the website. After some discussion, Carl said he would get in touch with the property owner to discuss the concerns.
  • Bobby reposted $2500 on hand and that 24 loads of gravel have been applied to the roads.
  • Carl stated that of the 3.5 miles of roads the paved roads are patched as needed and all unpaved roads are scraped 1 to 2 times each month.
  • Jeff said he would follow-up with the county planning director and county planning director concerning their actions from the May 3 meeting. The CL-CE RMO actions have been completed and sent to the county.
  • Jeff, our website administrator, gave statistics regarding the number of visits to our website. He encourages everyone to visit the website often as it is updated frequently
  • A letter will be sent to property owner in the next billing with information which includes some of the cost of maintaining the three and one half miles of road in our neighborhoods. It was also suggested that we visit the nonmembers in the neighborhood to answer questions and encourage membership.
  • Welcome letters will be sent out to new property owners which will outline the history of our organization, what we do and our contact information. The secretary will be responsible for sending these out.

A motion to adjourn was made by Barbara Mounts and seconded by Pat Thrower.

Respectfully Submitted,

Pat Thrower